The seat usage page provides a comprehensive overview of your current and historical seat usage patterns. 

Please note that only the Master Admin has access to this page.

Open the seat usage page

1. Select your profile icon > Account info.

2. Select the Usage tab.

3. Use the drop-down menus to select the connector type and specific connector you wish to view.

Tip: To quickly find a connector, enter the name of the connector in the filter field.

What you'll find

  • A monthly overview – a chart that offers insights into your historical usage patterns
  • The current total seat usage for the selected connector (the aggregated seat count for the current day) 
  • A breakdown of seat counts for each licensed data area
  • Entitlements for each data area, allowing for easy tracking of available licenses

Note: If you don't see entitlements, it means your account doesn't yet have entitlements assigned.